Monday, April 7, 2008

Lion House Taffy

Kate wanted to make Lion House Taffy last night but I didn't have a candy thermometer or glycerine. So we decided to do it tonight for Family Night. We were all very excited and I even had to go to two stores for the supplies. Anyway as you can see from the picture I somehow undercooked it and it was a sticky mess! My kids tried to make me feel better by saying they still had a really good time.
Also just wanted to mention yesterday was one of my favorite traditions. Scone Sunday. We get together for scones during conference with Sam's family. We ate at our house this time and I wish I had pictures to share - I just got my camera up and running again today. Anyway I married into a great family and really love this tradition.


Lindsay Romney said...

I love making taffy, I havn't made it since I was little! What a fun tradition to make scones- that would be a fun one to start with my family. We had fun with you the other day. Even though we live so close I feel like I don't see your family too often!

Rebecca said...

Yum! I love lion house taffy - sticky or hard! What fun traditions you have!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.