Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back to Reality!

Well our trip is almost over. We are now halfway home. We are in St. George tonight. Sam is with the girls at Tuacan seeing Les Miserable. I stayed with Peter and Emma at the hotel. Anyway the beach was great and I don't remember the last time I felt this relaxed. Sam and I want to figure out a way to relax like this once in a while at home.

We went to Disneyland on our trip and we really were expecting the worst - hot weather and long lines. We were pleasantly surprised! I would say it was just full not crowded and the weather was unusually cool. We had a great time and really love the new Toy Story ride that just opened last week in California Adventure.

We will be back to real life in less than 14 hours. Hopefully after a week of fun and rest I can be a better mom, sister, daughter, friend and wife.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A week in heaven!

Well, we are three days into our summer vacation in Newport Beach and things are going great! I just love this place because for our family it is the perfect mix on fun, relaxation, good food and things to do. We spent the entire day on the beach and even though we all used a ton of sun screen all the kids except Emma are burned somewhere on their body. We are heading to Disneyland tomorrow and it may be a good thing to give the kids' skin a break from the sun.

I had to include this picture of Kate. She had been talking about buying a frozen banana for weeks.

We stayed over in Vegas on the way down and it was fun to see Seth, Claire and Katie. I was so surprised to see how much they had changed since we had last seen them.